
Rôti de porc au miel et au parmesan à la Mijoteuse
20 October 2023
This Slow Cooker Honey Parmesan Pork Loin Roast is one of those must-have recipes for the cold seasons. Cooking takes a little more time, but preparing the roast is super quick to put together. All you have to do is prepare the delicious marinade, place the pork loin roast in the Slow Cooker, and that's it!
Aiglefin à la méditerranéenne
20 October 2023
Mediterranean haddock, a great way to cook fish, while also being a comforting recipe for fall!
Poulet rôti curry et coriandre
19 October 2023
Andréa, the owner, shares her recipe for roast chicken with curry and coriander. If you're looking to enhance the flavor of your roast chicken recipe, look no further. This chicken marinated in flavored butter is simply delicious!
Nouilles sautées à la viande, ail et chou
16 October 2023
3 recipe ideas for preparing cubes of red meat: Meat curry, Sautéed noodles with meat, garlic and cabbage and Stewed meat and vegetables. You can choose your favorite type of meat for these recipes, because we have meat cubes for all tastes and budgets in the online store.
Les grosses coupes de viande à cuisiner cet automne
15 October 2023
Are there any aromas more delicious than those that come from a piece of meat slowly simmering in the oven for hours? Here we offer you 4 large cuts of meat to order and cook this fall to satisfy the appetite of the whole family and we show you how buying large cuts of meat can be practical and economical!
Pilons de poulet et pommes
11 October 2023
Fall is the ultimate apple season, so why not use them to prepare delicious marinades for your meat! Our team gives you their favorite cuts of meat to marinate with apples as well as some recipe ideas!
Chou farcie au veau et au porc
11 October 2023
Fall has arrived with its fair share of golden leaves, cool evenings and an abundance of winter vegetables. Among these fall delights,...
soupe au poulet et gnocchis
09 October 2023
Our easy and comforting chicken and gnocchi soup recipe!
Pilons de poulet et courge musquée
08 October 2023
A simple and delicious recipe for chicken drumsticks with butternut squash, red onions, rosemary and walnuts - a fall meal the whole...