Quebec duck

The Rougié duck raises the birds naturally in temperate, well-ventilated and regularly cleaned buildings. They move freely and have access to fresh water at all times. They benefit from a diet of plant grains and are raised without antibiotics, hormones or medications. In addition to its succulent taste, this meat contains essential fatty acids such as monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, Omega-3 and Omega-6.
Cuisses de canard confites
Salade de cuisses de canard confites
La Maison du Gibier
Magret de canard
Magret de canard
Élevage Naturel Rougié
Terrine de canard à l'orange
Duck terrine with orange (100g)
La Maison du Gibier
Out of stock
Pâté au canard
Cuisine Sympa
Fondue chinoise au canard
Fondue chinoise au canard
Chinese fondue | Duck | 200g
La Maison du Gibier
Out of stock
Terrine 5 gibiers et canneberges
La Maison du Gibier