
10 March 2022
11.2 million tonnes: this is the quantity of food waste that is put in the trash each year by Canadian households and which could still have been consumed. We tell you more about it in this article and we offer you solutions to reduce your carbon footprint.
recette de pesto maison
03 March 2022
With our faster paced lives, the easy option is often to buy the majority of our foods already processed and ready to eat. However, it is much more beneficial for our wallet and our health to prepare several foods ourselves! Here we offer you 5 easy recipes that will make you salivate as well as save money.
Aliments naturels
18 February 2022
Since inflation is experiencing a record increase, but salaries are not keeping up, we will have to arm ourselves with new tricks to limit the cost of the grocery list. That being said, there is no need to compromise our physical (and mental!) health to reduce the bill. Here's how :
produits surgelés
31 August 2021
We explain how to defrost your food and for how long.
viande, sans hormones de croissance, sans antibiotique, biologique, boeuf du Québec
03 June 2021
The use of antibiotics and hormones in animal production is certainly not unanimous on the international food scene. Indeed, in Europe, the use of growth hormones in beef cattle is prohibited and since 2006, the European Union has banned the use of antibiotics as additives in animal feed as growth promoters. This can therefore lead us to question these practices permitted in Canada