
Femme qui fait à manger dans la cuisine
24 January 2023
While diet plays a fundamental role in our physical health, more and more studies are looking at its role in our mental health. In a context where the pandemic has caused a significant increase in mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, combined with a time of year when seasonal depression is particularly present, putting sunshine on your plate is more relevant than ever!
Aliments pour les lunchs
21 January 2023
It can be difficult to prepare healthy lunches while being quick and efficient on busy mornings. We therefore offer you food ideas for healthy, nutritious and simple lunches. We also give you our tips for keeping your lunches fresh in your bag, for safe eating!
Boeuf surgelé et emballé sous-vide
19 January 2023
One of the testimonials we receive most often is how convenient customers find it to have frozen products on hand, at all times! Indeed, these methods have not become so popular for nothing. Let’s talk about the benefits of stocking the freezer with vacuum-packed products!
Boeufs nourri à l'herbe
12 January 2023
You may have heard the term “grass-fed beef” before, but do you know the difference between conventional beef and grass-fed beef? The difference is enormous for the environment, for animal welfare, for human health...
Citrouille farcie boeuf et saucisse
25 October 2022
Want a meal that is both comforting and surprising? Our meat-stuffed pumpkin recipe is perfect for a successful fall evening!
Repas Oktoberfest
03 October 2022
Even though we're not in Germany, why not celebrate Oktoberfest your way and bring this event into your kitchen, with your friends and family?
Produits sur le comptoir
19 September 2022
Grocery bill increasing? You need to develop your sense of organization and your ability to plan! Your worst enemy in terms of...
repas local et santé
11 August 2022
“Eating local costs more! » We have often heard this famous phrase in recent years where many think that eating locally necessarily means increasing your food budget. However, when planned well, eating local is both healthy and affordable.
Cuisine en camping
07 July 2022
We all know that going camping requires a lot of organization and preparation. Menus can be both fun to plan and difficult to choose well. We must, in fact, find simple but nutritious meals that will allow us to move around all day without being hungry.