Boeuf surgelé et emballé sous-vide

Why buy frozen and vacuum-packed meats?

19 January 2023

One of the testimonials we receive most often is how convenient customers find it to have frozen products on hand, at all times! Indeed, these methods have not become so popular for nothing. Let’s talk about the benefits of stocking the freezer with vacuum-packed products!

Nutrient preservation

Our freezing process is called “instant”. The air is removed by the packaging and the water in the meat is transformed into ice at a very high speed and at a very low temperature. Did you know that this thermal process makes it possible to even better preserve the nutrients in meat, such as Vitamins A and E, as well as antioxidants?

Better meal planning

Good meal planning not only reduces waste, but also encourages us to cook healthy meals. All you have to do is plan the defrosting time needed for your product, and that’s it! Tip: Immerse the packaged product in a basin of cold water to speed up the defrosting process!

Reducing food waste

Since meat and fish perish quickly, freezing is one of our best solutions! As our products are individually packaged, it is possible to select the portions you wish to cook yourself. This is why families and single people alike appreciate them. 

Moreover, freezing allows our company to have NO losses, which is quite incredible in the food industry!

Maintaining texture

Our high-quality freezing and vacuum packaging process preserves taste and texture for several months. Thanks to vacuum bags, the proliferation of micro-organisms is stopped. Thus, the rapid removal of oxygen allows the conservation of nutritional values, proteins, enzymes and other elements naturally present in meats.

Healthy foods on hand, at all times!

It's well known that cooking meals at home and avoiding fast food is linked to better health. Our tip for last minute dinners that could end up being a take-out? Store ready-to-cook products in the freezer, such as our salmon skewers, our dauphinois gratins, our marinated chicken breasts/cubes/strips, or even our marinated pork fillets.

Refer to our article “ Defrosting Guide ” to discover the best techniques!

To view our products, click here .

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Comments (1)

  • félécitations pour tout ce beau travail tutorial et scientifique, vous ne faites pas uniquement de la publicité pour vendre vos produits, mais vous éduqué les gens sur les bienfaits de la bonne alimentation, en plus de produire des recettes savoureuses de vos produits.

    continuez votre beau travail et bonne chance

    Pierre Alain

    Pierre Alain

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