
9 tips to save time in the kitchen

08 September 2023

Cooking is an enjoyable and creative activity, but it is sometimes difficult to find enough time to prepare small dishes, especially in our hectic lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many simple and effective tips for saving time in the kitchen without compromising the quality of your meals. In this article, we'll explore some practical strategies that will help you spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your meals.

1. Planning and Preparation

Planning is the key to saving time in the kitchen. Take a moment each week to plan your meals in advance. This will allow you to make an accurate shopping list and avoid frequent trips to the grocery store. Plus, pre-preparing ingredients can greatly speed up the cooking process during the week. Cut vegetables, marinate meats and prepare sauces in advance, then store them in airtight containers for storage.

2. Use suitable tools & equipment

Investing in quality kitchen tools and equipment can save you valuable time. A mandolin for quickly cutting vegetables, a blender for making sauces in a snap, or even a rice cooker for unattended cooking are examples of items that can simplify your cooking experience.

3. Batch Cooking

Batch cooking involves preparing a large quantity of meals in advance, which you can then reheat throughout the week. This allows you to save time by cooking in one go, while still having meals ready to enjoy in minutes the following days. Choose dishes that keep well in the refrigerator or freezer, such as soups, stews and casseroles.

4. Optimization during cooking

Optimize the use of your pots and cooking plates. Simplify the cooking steps by choosing recipes designed to be prepared in a single container or on a single plate. For greater efficiency, add your vegetables to your pasta cooking water a few minutes before the end. Make the most of your time by preparing side dishes while your main dish simmers in the oven.

5. Quick and easy recipes

Opt for quick and easy recipes that require less preparation and cooking time. Salads, stir-fries and pasta dishes are often quick to prepare and can be delicious. One-pot or one-skillet recipes are also great for saving time on prep and washing up. We offer you a “one pot” recipe and a “one pan” recipe in our blog article: Guide to planning lunches .

6. Strategic freezing

Freezing is your ally to save time in the kitchen. Make extra portions of your favorite meals and freeze them for those days when you don't have time to cook. You can also freeze fresh herbs in olive oil in ice cube trays to have them on hand when you need them.

Additionally, you can buy frozen products and store them in your freezer for several months. This way, you'll always have options on hand when you come home from work and don't know what to eat! This will save you from having to go back to the grocery store during the week and spending on take out. Discover our frozen and local meats, fish and seafood and stock up on the freezer for easy, quick and healthy options!

7. Follow the order of preparation

Before you start cooking, read the recipe carefully and follow the order of preparation. This will save you from having to go back and waste time searching for ingredients or rearranging your steps.

8. Avoid distractions

When cooking, eliminate distractions like the television or phone. Focus on the task at hand to be more efficient and avoid mistakes that can extend preparation time.

9. Clean as you go

Clean up as you prepare. This will prevent you from ending up with a mountain of dishes at the end of cooking. A clean and organized workspace will also make the cooking process smoother and more enjoyable.

In conclusion, saving time in the kitchen does not necessarily mean sacrificing the quality of your meals. By planning ahead, using the right tools and equipment, and adopting techniques like batch cooking and strategic freezing, you can significantly reduce the time spent in the kitchen while still enjoying flavorful, nutritious meals. So, get started and discover how these tips can transform your everyday cooking experience!

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