
Citrouille farcie boeuf et saucisse
25 October 2022
Want a meal that is both comforting and surprising? Our meat-stuffed pumpkin recipe is perfect for a successful fall evening!
Repas Oktoberfest
03 October 2022
Even though we're not in Germany, why not celebrate Oktoberfest your way and bring this event into your kitchen, with your friends and family?
26 March 2022
Crab season has officially begun and with our new arrivals of fresh and frozen crab on our online store, we thought we would share three freshly easy to make recipes. Treat yourself!
Meal prep poulet
15 March 2022
Single or as a couple with 3 children, cooking meals for the week is a daily task for everyone that requires time, energy and preparation. However, it is the best way to reduce your grocery bill and eat healthily! We offer you 3 delicious recipes that you can prepare at the same time and which will make your life easier.
recette de pesto maison
03 March 2022
With our faster paced lives, the easy option is often to buy the majority of our foods already processed and ready to eat. However, it is much more beneficial for our wallet and our health to prepare several foods ourselves! Here we offer you 5 easy recipes that will make you salivate as well as save money.